Gamma ray scanner special purpose vehicles
A series of gamma ray scanner special purpose vehicles manufactured in conjunction with King Vehicle Engineering and SAIC in the United States.
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When it comes to specialist vehicles, trucks and trailers, Cosby Suppliers have the experience and expertise necessary to design and manufacture bespoke, one-off special purpose vehicles for any and all industries. You can be confident in the knowledge that we can fulfil your exacting needs no matter what the requirements.
In recent years the issues associated with cross-border smuggling and human trafficking have featured more prominently with the public at large, but in fact have been a constant problem for authorities for many, many years. Traditional search techniques have proved ineffective and inadequate to meet the modern day demands placed on international custums and border controls. Added to this, the elevated status of the ‘dirty bomb’ terrorist threat means that governments are increasingly turning to technology to help them identify and stop all cross-border incursions.
These special purpose vehicles are gamma ray scanners and used by various customs authorities throughout Europe. Cargo scanning – otherwise known as Non-Intrusive Inspection (NII) – with gamma ray scanners can penetrate the solid sides of standard shipping containers, producing images which help customs officials identify their contents, including humans. To accomplish this feat either the cargo being scanned or the scanner itself need to move along the length of the subject container. A fully mobile gamma ray scanner makes this activity easier for customs control.
These special purpose vehicles are fully self contained with on-board power generation, air conditioning and image recording, and have the ability to scan selected ISO shipping containers, commercial vehicles and trailers, either entering or leaving a country. Their mobility also means they can be moved from one customs control location to another with ease.
These Cosby special purpose vehicles were a European adaptation of an already successful SAIC design operating in the United States.